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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Mooresville Family EyeCare the leading provider of vision care products and services in Mooresville.

Michael Miller, O.D.

Dr. Michael Miller is a member of the American Optometric Association and the Indiana Optometric Association and the Central Optometric Society. Following his graduation from the Indiana University School of Optometry, Dr. Miller practiced for five years for a large ophthalmology practice. He moved to Mooresville in 1998 and has enjoyed taking care of and getting to know the friendly, hometown people of Mooresville over the last 20 years.

Dr. Miller enjoys being a part of the Mooresville community. He volunteers yearly for the elementary school screenings in all the local schools. He has been on two mission trips to Haiti performing eye exams and dispensing glasses as a part of the Fellowship of Christian Optometrists. He has coached in the Mooresville Optimist Soccer League and was a founding member of Genesis United Soccer Club and board member for over 4 years.

Providing his patients with the highest levels of service with the newest technology and offering the highest quality of eye care products available has always been his goal.

Dr. Miller looks forward to taking more trips to help those in need in underdeveloped countries in medical mission trips. He enjoys cooking and gardening at home, but also likes to travel and is always looking for the next new adventure with his two children, Shae and Jackson.

Carmen Bullock, O.D.

Photo of Carmen MullockDr. Carmen Bullock completed her Bachelor’s in Chemistry from Indiana University in Bloomington in 1995. She then went on to complete her Doctor of Optometry degree from Indiana University School of Optometry in 1999.

Dr. Carmen has over 17 years of experience serving this community and the surrounding areas. From providing optometric services to patients in nursing homes to private practice and even providing care in a retail setting, she has been focused on helping people receive exceptional care for their eyes.

As an Indiana native, Dr. Carmen resides with her family locally. She loves to be in her garden, loves exploring God’s creation through hiking, and enjoys fishing at Kentucky Lake. She is thankful to be a mom to some great kids and is married to a wonderful guy.

Dr. Carmen is thrilled to have the opportunity to continue to care for those in our quaint little town and neighboring areas.

Please come and visit us for your eye care needs. We have an exceptional staff and top of the line instruments to help assess, manage, and treat various eye conditions. In addition, we have a great selection of frames and sunglasses. Most of all, we have a commitment to provide you with the best eye care possible.

Our Staff

Photo of our staff